294 | BIG NEWS about what’s next for this show!
Over the last 5 years and 5 months, I've dedicated myself to recorded over 290 episodes for teens worldwide. Now, in this episode, I announce some big changes that are coming next for the show!
293 | How to Make Next Semester Better Than Your Last
Tune in to hear powerful tips from academic coach, Amanda Lecaude, on how to use the 'feedback loop' to keep improving your efforts and results at school - semester after semester!
292 | Growing Through Grief - With Ally Artis
Are you trying to navigate your way through grief? Tune in to hear today’s guest share her powerful story of turning her family tragedy into something that now helps others heal too.
291 | Get Good at Being Bored
Do you dread going to practice because it's 'so boring'? Or put off doing something because of how 'boring' it is? Tune into this episode to learn why getting better at ‘boring’ is your key to success!
290 | The Shame Myth - How to Hate Yourself Less & Achieve More
It’s easy to think you have to ‘punish’ yourself for making mistakes, so you can be more successful. But tune in to learn why the opposite is true and how to achieve your goals without so much shame!
289 | When It Feels Like Someone Doesn’t Like You..
Do you sometimes walk away from meeting someone thinking that they didn't like you? This episode is a must listen to stop you from overthinking social interactions and find more courage to show up as YOU! <3
288 | How to Get Less Angry All The Time
Do you tend to get angry easily and end up acting in ways you regret? Tune in for tips on how to get a handle over your anger (before it gets a handle over you!)
287 | Maximize Your Potential - With Dr Peter Rios
Tune into to hear the amazing story of Dr. Peter Rios, who grew up in the projects and failed out of community college yet has gone on to graduate with a PhD. Listen to be inspired to do AMAZING things in your own life!
286 | Having A Bad Day? Put This On Repeat - Part 4.
This episode is another one of my ''best of instagram'' - which is a collection of my most popular and powerful instagram posts that I've written that can help turn around any bad day!
285 | How To Get Over Your Mistakes A Whole Lot Faster
Tune in for a short & punchy pep talk on why you don't necessarily need more confidence to get over making mistakes - it’s something far less spoken about but just as powerful!
284 | Becoming A Mentally Stronger Athlete
Struggle with negative self talk during your games? Tune into this inspiring episode with sports counselor, Lela Nomura, to hear her best tips on how to build mental strength as an athlete and better handle the challenges that come with competing in sports.
283 | Making New Friends at School or College *FLASHBACK EPISODE*
Tune in for my best advice on managing your anxiety about starting at a new school and tips on how to make friends, even if you feel like everyone already has their own friendship group!
282 | When You’re Scared to Take a Risk, Remember This..
It's natural to feel scared ahead of taking a risk in life and it's easy to assume that because you're feeling so afraid, it's a sign you shouldn't do it. But tune into this episode to find out why you feel so afraid and how you can choose to respond to that fear!
281 | Healthy Skin Care Tips
Many skin care products promoted on social media do the opposite of take care of your skin during your teens - so tune in to learn which products are best to keep your skin glowing and healthy!
280 | Public Speaking Anxiety: My Best Tips!
If you're feeling SUPER anxious about an upcoming class presentation, tune into this episode with tips to help you manage your nerves and feel more prepared to stand up there and do your best!
279 | What Avoiding Discomfort Is Really Costing You
I know it can be hard to tolerate anxiety talking to new people or the restlessness of having to do school work after a long day, but tune into this episode to learn what avoiding discomfort now really costs you long term..
278 | The Healing Power of Therapy Dogs
Meet one woman on a mission to bring therapy dogs to as many schools nationwide as possible - after personally experiencing the power that a dog can have on your mental health and joy in life.
277 | How to Stop Taking Things So Personally
This episode will help you stop second guessing yourself out of fear of what other people may think and inspire you to build your confidence from your OWN opinion of you - that’s the one that counts most!
276 | Why Curiosity is Better than Confidence
Feeling confident is great, until it starts limiting your life experience because you start talking yourself out of things you don't feel confident about yet. If you struggle with a need for 'control' has you missing out on a lot you want to do in life, this episode is for you!
275 | Handling College Rejections & Finding Your Path After School - With College Sophomore Cassie
This episode I invite college sophomore and coaching student, Cassie, on the show to share her experience of overcoming rejection from her dream college and how she’s still ended up exactly where she’s meant to be - a must listen for anyone feeling overwhelmed by the college application process right now!