Forget about motivation. To get ahead, you need HABITS!
Mini habits are small (but mighty) changes that can help teens go from point A to B more effortlessly and quickly.
I’ve coached hundreds of teens and the thing I hear over and over?
It’s hard to follow through on goals because life feels distracting and overwhelming. It’s all too easy (and disheartening) to get sidetracked, which typically leads to feeling scattered, behind, and overwhelmed.
This book is a fun and quick read to help teens understand that feeling good about life and getting ahead is not about creating big glamourous (Instagramable) wins but about taking small daily (and do-able) steps forward.
Whether you’re a teen who wants to boost your grades, exercise more, create healthier relationships, ditch insecurity, or save money—I’ve got you covered. I’ll teach you easy daily micro-adjustments that will add up to exciting progress in your life!
Understand and overcome social awkwardness and anxiety!
The ultimate guide for teens who struggle to navigate social situations with their peers. Real scenarios and easy-to-remember strategies—you’ll learn to identify the causes of your social discomfort and improve how you deal with tricky situations. As you practice, you’ll get better at handling emotions, reducing conflict, calming anxiety, and feeling comfortable.
An essential handbook that teaches real, practical social skills for teens to use every day!
Help teens put their social skills into practice!
Whether it's hiding in the corner at parties, taking everything personally due to a fragile self-esteem or mindlessly playing on their phone, many teens are lacking in social skills and the ability to communicate with empathy and confidence. Nearly every area of life needs a variety of social skills to help teen's thrive in it, but these skills aren't taught at school and that's why Kate’s created a workbook all about it! (Which can be used as a companion book to her social skills book above)
Just like everything Kate does, this workbook is fun and relatable for teens and filled with exercises, journal prompts, tools, and guidance to help make ANY social situation easier to deal with. Teens will find out how to apply the techniques they’ve learned to real scenarios and feelings, whether it’s a fight with a friend, anxiety about public speaking, or a difficult interaction with a teacher.
This workbook is the ultimate guide to help teens better handle their emotions and become more confident no matter what situation they’re in!