89 | Social Anxiety and Being Less Awkward Meeting People
From forgetting what to say to laughing awkwardly, social anxiety is something that gets the better of many of us - so this episode I share the BEST question to ask to feel less awkward and more confident when meeting new people!
When You’re About to Give Up on Yourself - 074
We all have those times when we want so badly to make something happen, but all feels hopeless. You're a minute away from giving up and curling up in a ball of shame. I know all about those moments, because they've been a very real part of my journey and this episode I share with you how I coach myself through them so you can do the same.
When You're Feeling Ashamed Of The Way You Are... - 063
Tune in for a really fresh perspective you can take on any flaw or weakness which can help end the shame game for you and boost your confidence of who you are - flaws and all. And if it’s a weakness you want to work on improving, this perspective will inspire you to take action from a place of self love rather than shame so you can finally put an end to so much self loathing.
When Someone’s Success Makes You Feel Like A Failure - 058
Do you ever feel insecure when you someone gets a higher grade than you? Or gets a promotion faster than you? Are you no longer proud of your achievements because they don't seem as good as theirs? Tune into this episode to learn how to stop letting other people's success feel like your failures.
How Loveable Are You? - 052
How loveable you are depends on who you are, or does it? Tune in to find out the surprising answer to your loveability and why knowing this can set you free from years of shame or self loathing. You'll also learn why ''love hurts'' is a mistruth and how choosing unconditional love is the best gift you can give TO yourself.
The Truth About What Other People Think of You - 050
The biggest thing that holds us back in life is what other people think of us. We spend so long trying to control their opinions that we spiral into a constant state of anxiety and exhaustion.
I thought it's just the way I was; that I wasn't born with the confidence to risk judgement - and the truth is, I wasn't. But I have actively grown that confidence, starting with the truth I reveal to you in this episode that can set you free from worrying so much about what people think of you.
Reducing Your Anxiety Over Public Speaking - 007
Public speaking is more feared than death - but it doesn't have to be! So in this episode we explore the 5 helpful tips and beliefs you can use to manage your nerves and reduce your anxiety of being judged by an audience, so you no longer feel like throwing up on stage!
When You Look In The Mirror and Loathe What You See - 005
Do you ever feel shame about how you look? Today's episode is an open conversation about my own battle with body image, and the 4 steps you can take to begin to rebuild your relationship with your body and boost your self-esteem to a healthier and happier place.
Why Positive Thinking Isn't Working For You - 003
Do you cringe when someone says 'just look on the bright side'? Do you wish you could think more positively, but your brain continues to dwell on the negatives? Yep, I've been there too! In this episode you'll learn why this is all perfectly normal, the feature in our brain causing this resistance and how we can use this feature to change our minds (aka. our lives!) for the better.
Overcoming Your Fear of Rejection - 001
“Okay. Now What?’’ is a podcast to help teens and twenty-somethings build the resilience we need to overcome the unexpected challenges of finishing school and life after it. In this episode I share the common myths about rejection holding you back and how to overcome them using 5 simple strategies. Be sure to subscribe for lots more to come!