139 | Ending the ''Outrage Culture'' - It Starts Between Our Ears.

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There's no denying that we're living in quite tense times where people are quick to brainlessly judge, criticise, ridicule, rant and label people ''this'' and ''that'' because of people's actions, choices or beliefs. Our culture is becoming more divisive and disconnected, and while we say we ''want'' to end the conflict - much of the action I'm seeing looks the opposite.

Now I'm not by any means pretending I'm perfect, I'm flawed just like every other human, but a skill I have been spending the last 7 years grinding away at improving is my own self awareness and managing my own brain, so I stay in power over my response-ability and who I am choosing to be in any given situation.

I work hard on staying out of blame and taking ownership over my own thoughts, feelings, actions and the results I am creating in my life - because THAT's what helps solve conflict and make real change in the world. It sounds cliche, but change really does begin with the person in the mirror - and most specifically, the space between our own ears. 

I am a resilience coach for teens and young adults, because I care for our younger generation with my whole heart. In fact, I genuinely care about humanity so much. I am so proud to be a part of the human race - we are a phenomenal species. Truly, when you look back over the history of humans and what we've overcome, it is mindblowing.

So when I take a moment to reflect upon this current chapter, it hurts my heart how much we're all tearing each other down and dividing our culture into ''them'' vs ''us'' mentality - so this episode is my take on what I believe can help to close the gap on this divisiveness, begin to turn conflict into connection and problem spinning into problem solving.

In this episode we cover the underlying thought errors causing this ''outrage'' culture and important communication and conflict resolution skills we all have the choice to practice - so one day future humans can look back on this chapter, and once again, be proud to say they're human too.

I am so excited to announce that my new book, The Teen's Guide to Social Skills, is now available on Amazon.com !

In celebration of this, I give you a sneak peek into my book by sharing a snippet of the first chapter and also give you the ability to download ALL of CHAPTER ONE by visiting my website: www.katefitzsimons.com/free-chapter

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