Holding The Space - 067
We all know life can get icky. Be unfair. And sometimes, outright cruel. There's tears. Heartbreak. And extreme emotion that can overwhelm people we love at times.
How can we stay present and best support them during these moments? How do we not turn away or feel uncomfortable? How can we love them and not add to the pressure they're feeling? The answer to this is what I call ''holding the space''. Tune in to find out what I mean by this and why it's a skill we should all practice developing so we can truly show up from a place of love for those we love even during their darkest moments.
I'm honoured to be joined by my amazing boyfriend, Nate, for this episode as exploring this concept of '''holding the space'' has been something he's been wanting to ask me about for a while. Given it's my last episode for 2019, it felt fitting to invite him to be a part of it as he's truly been my highlight for 2019 but we've also had to share plenty of lowlights together as we'll discuss in this episode - and holding the space for each other has been a key part of how we've made it through.
BIG LOVE and HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of my wonderful listeners! You guys truly are my reason why, and I hope that you'll continue to join me right throughout 2020. And as you see in this New Year remember to ask yourself, ''What matters to me so much that I'd be willing to fail at it in pursuit of achieving it?'' - And go after that with all of your heart! The key to fulfilment in life is working hard on what's meaningful to you.
Also, if you're interested in learning more about my online group coaching program - email “I'm interested” to kf@katefitzsimons.com and I'll get right back to you with more details.
This group coaching is for highly anxious girls who struggle with self confidence and perfectionism. You'll get weekly online mentoring sessions with me in an intimate private group of 4-6 other girls struggling with similar issues. Together you'll get the tools and strategies needed to manage their anxiety and build confidence in a way that they’ve never been taught before. By coaching together in a group, you'll understand you're not alone in your struggles and form bonds with girls who ‘’get’’ what you're going through.
It’s the same life changing results as my one-on-one coaching for just a fraction of the cost.
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