When You Look In The Mirror and Loathe What You See - 005
Do you ever feel shame about how you look? Today's episode is an open conversation about my own battle with body image, and the 4 steps you can take to begin to rebuild your relationship with your body and boost your self-esteem to a healthier and happier place.
5 Books Every Parent and Teacher Must Read to Raise Resilient Teens
I’ve sifted through the endless sea of self-help books and found the top 5 I assure you won’t be a waste of your time; but an investment in equipping you with insights and strategies to help you and your teen better cope with failure, rejection, loss and every other curve ball life may throw your way!
How To Recover Quickly After Your Laptop Crashes (and Deletes Your Hard Work!)
We’ve all been there—a laptop crashes, a drink gets spilt, a phone gets dropped—and that project you’ve been working on for hours is gone. Nothing is worse than that sinking feeling in your stomach. But, it doesn’t have to last for long! Here's my number one tip to get back on track fast.