what school forgot to teach us about anxiety - 010

School is awesome for setting us up for many things in life, but coping with our negative emotions is definitely not one of them. This episode I dive into the 3 things you need to learn to better manage your anxiety that goes beyond just ''think positively''. It’s a must listen for anyone who struggles with anxiety on a regular basis - which right now is 1 in 7 of us!

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When You’re Scared to Let Go - 009

Finishing school often requires us giving up or letting go of things that we’ve outgrown in order to make space in our life for the new stuff – the new opportunities, new friendships, new experiences, new achievements, new goals, new habits.. Here is how you can find the courage to make those changes - no matter how scared you feel about it.

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Reducing Your Anxiety Over Public Speaking - 007

Public speaking is more feared than death - but it doesn't have to be! So in this episode we explore the 5 helpful tips and beliefs you can use to manage your nerves and reduce your anxiety of being judged by an audience, so you no longer feel like throwing up on stage!

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Dealing With Difficult Teachers - 006

It's impossible to get through school without getting at least one teacher you find difficult to deal with. This episode dives into 5 ways you can reduce your frustration over this and achieve your goal exam marks for that subject regardless of who's teaching it.


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